Moscow, Idaho
In today’s rapidly evolving society, the importance of multigenerational communication cannot be overstated. As technological advancements reshape the way we interact and communities become increasingly diverse, bridging the gap between different age groups becomes paramount. As our society ages, loneliness becomes a major issue. 
The project is addressing the adverse effects of the cycles of life through the processes of young to old, sick to healed, and loneliness to joy. The space brings to life the Italian word “Nido,” meaning nest. Elders share stories and drop seeds of wisdom while the children, in turn, encircle the elders with new life, simple joys, and second chances, carefully constructing this metaphorical nest. The nest takes shape as a satellite daycare located in a nearby nursing home.
Submission for the IDEC Student Design Competition Call 2024-25 Academic Year.
Collaborators: Brooklyn Douglas, Abbey Clark, Sofia Schnepf.
Project for IAD 351, instructors Tharique De Silva and Ann-Jeannette Seymour.
Completed 11/04/2024.
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